Miramo Town Trick - Explained


This is it, we are going to teach you everything there is to know about Miramo Town Trick (aka Tunnel Trick) . Some of you already know how to do this trick, but many of you don't. Its sometimes also referred to as tunnelling.

Miramo Town Trick is not a cheat, hack or scam. However, it is a strategy. If you succeed in this, you could wipe out 4 players in a row (not at the same time). And you can even get double kills by doing this (if they are close to each other).

Miramo Town Explained.

1. Join a game of Tag with any amount of players
2. Make sure the map is Miramo Town (can use other maps but this one is the most convenient ones), and have at least 1 Teleport.
3. Choose Bigfoot as your main mobile and A.Sate or Lightening as your tag. A.Sate is the best tag for this trick.
4. Find an area to yourself and dig a hole. Deep enough but not too much or you'll bunge yourself. Fall down the hole
5. Start building a tunnel to your opponent
6. Do not move when building this tunnel. Change the angle a little bit to prevent the tunnel going downwards.
7. Once the tunnel is directly under your opponent. Use the Teleport item to teleport over there.
8. When you are directly under your opponent, switch to your tag (assuming A.Sate)
9. Switch to level 2 weapon and tap your keyboard or mouse (slice/drag)
10. Keep doing that, make sure your directly under your opponent
11. Once you destroy an opponent. Repeat 5-11
12. Sometimes your opponent knows what your doing. If you manage to get down, and the opponent follows you down, then heres a counter strategy
13. Move away from the tunnel's mouth. And dig a hole connecting the tunnel mouth to the bottom of the map
14. He/She will be enjoying themselves in the next life
15. This Counterstrategy works the best when they are trying to dig holes down to get you

These Screenshots will help you. I would like to thank SephirothVII for making these screenshots. Hope you enjoy it !





La muy famosa táctica del topo, también puedes usar como segundo móvil al Lighting, al Nak, Knight y al Aduka (Shot 2). Eso sí, compra un par de items de 'Lampa' y si gustas uno de 'Cura' por si acaso.
realmente esa tactica aburre... creo q es lo peor q puede existir es mi opinion... igual al final pierden :)
Jajaja. Es cierto, suele ser aburrida y larga. Pero si la sabes hacer bien, termina resultando muy efectiva.

Juego es Juego. Como diría el gran filósofo 'Chacalón Junior': "Todo Vale, Todo Vale!"
Eso de cavar oslo me gusta cuando me pongo de acuerdo con mi adversario y destrimos todo el campo y nos qudamos en un trozo de roca, y jugamos al boomer, es chvr pero de esa tactica me duermo, y a parte seria bien burra de parte del enemigo que deja que hagas un hueco, y que avance debajo de ti.
Yo aveses para fregar a los q usan lightin en metamine me elijo el bigfoot a escondidas pero ellos ven el lightin t al empesar el juego sale el bigfoot y pues tengo q soportar palabras de todo calibre... :lol: :lol: aveses gano porq se lagea o abandonan...ta q jodido q soy... :lol: :lol:
:? :? q patetico jugar d esa forma...!!! tacticas puxa ...q no hay nada emocionante...!!! weno a las finales cada 1 refleja su forma d Juego ...!! 8)
Algunos usan fórmulas, Otros usan diversas estrategias como los 'Tricks', a algunos les gusta jugar solo Boomer, a otros Solo Bunge, etc etc etc ..

Hay para todos los gustos, amigos :).

(Exceptuando, obviamente, a los 'hacks')
Sin dudar mas que una tactica es un egoismo... hace que un juego sea laaaaaaaaaaaaaargo...