ASCII codes

  • Autor del tema Autor del tema wing0
  • Fecha de inicio Fecha de inicio


New member
Por ahi alguien estaba preguntando sobre los códigos, pero Jaime cerró el topic ¬¬ asi q aquí están

ASCII Key Combinations:


0022 - The contents of your clip board UNSELECTED
0026 - The contents of your clip board SELECTED
0030 - Triangle UP
0031 - Triangle DOWN
0033-0127 - Standard Keyboard ASCII codes


0128-0160 + any 0021-0254 Creates foriegn text ie. Japanese, Chinese, etc...

So if you were to hit ALT+0128 then ALT+0254, you'd get some sort of foriegn text. I believe that the ranges 0128-0160 are reserved for the different languages.

0161 + 0161+ Are math symbols. For instance, if you hold alt and type 0161, release alt, rehold alt and type 0190, you'll get a plus or minus symbol. Range 0161 is reserved for mathematic symbols.

Now onto the goodies:

0162 +

0161 - Arrow Right
0162 - Arrow Going left and Right
0163 - Upsidedown A
0164 - Backwards E
0170 - Degree Symbol
0178 - Epsilon Symbol
0179 - Pi Symbol
0180 - Circle surrounded by four dots
0181 - Degrees Farenheit
0183 - Triangle Left OUTLINED
0184 - Triangle Left FILLED
0185 - Triangle Right Outlined
0186 - Triangle Right Filled
0187 - Spade Outlined
0188 - Spade Filled
0189 - Heart Outlined
0190 - Heart Filled
0191 - Club Outlined
0192 - Clube Filled
0193 - Circle Outline with dot in the middle
0194 - Diamond Partially Filled
0195 - Filled Square inside Square Outline
0196 - Half Circle Left
0197 - Half Circle Right
0198 - Dot Matrix
0199-0204 - Squares filled with assorted patterns
0205 - Hot Food Symbol
0206 - Telephone Outline
0207 - Telephone Filled
0208 - Hand Pointing Left
0209 - Hand Pointing Right
0210 - Music Symbol
0211 - Cross
0212 - Double Cross
0213 - Arrow pointing up and down
0214 - Up/Right Diagonal Arrow
0215 - Down/Left Diagonal Arrow
0216 - Up/Left Diagonal Arrow
0217 - Down/Right Diagonal Arrow
0218 - Musical Note OUTLINE
0219 - Musical Note Filled
0220 - Musical Note
0221 - Musical Note
0222 - Funky K inside a Ying Yang?
0224 - No. (Abbreviation for Number)
0225 - Co. (Abbreviation for Company)
0226 - TM (Trademark) symbol
0227 - am Symbol
0228 - rm Symbol
0229 - Tel. Abbreviation
0230 - Funky Symbol (Hard to Explain)
0231 - R encircled -- AKA the Registered Symbol

It appears that 0162 + random combinations are the symbol sets. So far its the only symbol set I've found.

0163 + 0161+ Is a different font set for Gunbound. Its a smaller crisper font.

0164 + 0161+ Is a random foriegn language set.

0165 + 0161-0185 - Here are a bunch of Roman Numerals you can use

0166 + 0161-0229 - This is a bunch of line intersection fonts used for math.

0167 + 0161-0239 - This is a bunch of Chemistry fonts.

0168 + 0177+ - These are circled symbols, letters and numbers
0205-0230 - These are the codes for circled lower case letters a-z
0231-0245 - These are the codes for circled numbers 1-15

0169 + 0177+ - These are bracketed symbols, letters and numbers
0205-0230 - These are the codes for bracketed lower case letters a-z
0231-0245 - These are the codes for bracketed numbers 1-15
Weno, ya se me hacian conocidos esos codigos, pero si alguien se puede aportar los del GLS seria bacan p, a ver quien se anima con esta ayudita :P
Hay ascii en el GLS, pero aun no se cuales ni como son por ejem el ™ se hace con ALT + 0153, a ver si alguien se manda con la cruz y todas esas cosas.
sorry me ekivoke esos son del GIS oops
la cruz † se hace alt+0134
la å se hace alt+134
a § se hace alt+789
la £ se hace alt+156
la ¢ con alt+0162
la ® se hace con alt+10153
y la clasica ™ se hace alt+0153
como ia lo mencionaron esas son las ke me c
esos codigos que posteo ZeRo.X son del latino, comprobados asi q agradezco por el dato ya q no sabia como hacer la fuking cruz †
ahora he visto nuevos ascci como una flechita, la verdad no se como se hacen si alguien lo sabe postee plz :D